Tuesday, November 25, 2014

35 Weeks

I am 35 weeks pregnant today. I look about 40+ weeks and feel like this pregnancy has lasted forever. I feel pretty good most days, but nights are dreadful. I am so tired but it's painful to sleep. I am carrying the baby rather high and it kills my ribs and sternum. I swear my stomach is in my throat and the heartburn is more like nausea.

I won't sugarcoat it, I have been feeling rather over pregnancy. I have had a hard time dealing with the unsolicited comments on my size. At least once a day someone will tell me how big I am, ask if I am carrying twins, demand to hear how much weight I have gained, or tell me their birth story in comparison. As a person who never felt comfortable with my size before pregnancy this has been incredibly hard for me. I realize this will only continue and I will deal with this again after birth with comments on my new size and getting back to the size I was. I'm working on growing thicker skin, but it's really hard. It was hard to type and even share this.

There are some things I do enjoy about pregnancy. I love to feel the baby move and our baby moves quite a bit all day long. I also like the congrats and nice comments people in the grocery store make. People do love to talk to a pregnant women!

We are almost done with the nursery. My goal is to have everything pretty much ready by the beginning of December so we will be prepared the whole month. Fingers crossed we don't have to wait until the due date (Dec 30th) to meet our little one. I am getting SO excited to find out the gender. I am dying to buy girls or boys clothing! I plan to splurge on Cyber Monday and then return once we know the gender. I can't help myself, you know I love to shop!

We have another ultrasound at week 37 because my belly is measuring ahead on weeks and the baby is a little bit bigger. Dan and I were both smaller babies, but it looks like we will definitely have a bigger baby!

Our last childbirth class was last night and I am just so excited to meet our baby! With every move the baby makes I just think how much I look forward to holding him/her. 5 more weeks. Hoping for less!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look great!