Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tell me about it, Stud.

A few weeks ago I got really into studs. I bought a few studded items and then wanted more and more. I have been seeing studs everywhere. Dan likes to ask if I rode in on my motorcycle, but I think if worn appropriately it can be really cute!

Bracelets from Forever 21

Purse from H&M

I found this sweatshirt on Pinterest and then couldn't find the original link (hate that). I hunted it down and found that it's not available in the US. I started thinking of ways to DIY. I checked JoAnn Fabrics, Hobby Lobby, and Michael's none of which have the studs similar to the sweatshirt. BUT today, I found them on the H&M website!

I have a million other projects in the works right now, so I don't know if I will get to this. I'll definitely share if I do!

 Here are some other DIY stud ideas. 

Studded shoulder dress from Zara. 

Studded leather notion I found at Walmart of all places! 

1 comment:

Danielle Kinnett said...

You could poke an eye out with that bracelet...I sound 60 years old I know!